Children living with disabilities can get a wide range of support for their education through their school. But through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), families of children with disabilities can also get support for themselves and additional support to assist their child participate in school and daily activities. If you have a child with a disability, the NDIS could help your child and your family. Here is what you should know.
The NDIS is individualised disability support funding that focusses on the needs and choices of people living with disability. The NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in daily activities. The funding provided can help people with disability access supports to achieve goals in many aspects of their life, including independence, education, as well as health and wellbeing.
The NDIS gives people more choice and control over how, when and where their supports are provided, and gives people certainty that they will receive the support they need over their lifetime.
One of the main aims of leading disability services in NSW, Victoria and other states is to better support families and carers in their caring role. As the parent or carer of a child with disability, your views and experiences are important in the planning process for the NDIS – helping with decision making about your child’s ongoing support needs, goal setting, assessment and the planning process.
The NDIS activates goal-based approach to funding and services, meaning the services available to you or your loved one will vary depending what you need help to achieve.
Leading disability services in Victoria, NSW, and all other places in Australia include support coordination, individual supports, attendant care, supported independent living and early intervention. Professional disability services provider helps people with disability form their personalized NDIS plan, as well as facilitating their core supports and capacity building programs.
For adults with disability, day service centres are available that provide a structured way to work towards their individual NDIS plan. Disability services providers also provides quality attendant care for clients with high level needs such as Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI).
These services are an excellent, world-leading opportunity for people living with disability to get the most from life, so be sure not to miss any of those opportunities as they arise.